Career Journeys Australia





The Passion and Purpose Package

3 easy steps to find and follow your passion and purpose




Are you looking for real meaning in your career? This package will help you regain your passion for work and bring you closer to finding your life’s purpose.

The Passion and Purpose Package is designed to help you discover and prioritise your intentions.

Session One (1st hour) Questioning - We’ll help you discover what’s important.

Session Two (2nd hour) Clarity - You’ll be empowered to clarify and prioritise your most important aspirations.

Session Three (3rd hour) Action - You’ll set achievable goals that will help you to fulfil your specific passions, take action and gain purpose in your life.

To book the Passion and Purpose Package or to discuss your specific needs call Career Journeys Australia on (03) 9772 1624 or email

Career Change is not only possible… it’s exciting





Listen to Keith Keller and co-host Annemarie Cross
on Career Success Radio

Career Success Radio