Career Journeys Australia





Free Resources

Joy on the Job

2 Resources available from Joy on the Job - Doris Helge, Ph.D.

Excerpt: Sample Chapter from "Joy on the Job."

Article: "Time for a Career Transition."

Discover more about Doris Helge, Ph.D. and "Joy on the Job" by contacting Dr. Doris by email or visit her web site.

Pain Into Power

1 Resource available from Transforming Pain Into Power - Doris Helge, Ph.D.

"Transforming Pain Into Power -- Making the Most of Your Emotions"

This book is about discovering our innate ability to transform any (and all) negative situations into empowering experiences.

Excerpt: Sample Chapter from "Transforming Pain into Power"

Discover more about Doris Helge, Ph.D. and "Joy on the Job" by contacting Dr. Doris by email or visit her web site.




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